Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fifth Week at Dubal Dubai Aluminium Company

In this week we had only three working days because of National Day vacation. When we were back I had to prepare a quiz sheet for the head of leadership management Ms. Claire another session on one of the Leadership programs. Apart from that, I was pleased to attend the Couching Forum where all of the heads of the department is attending. The forum was presented by Mr. Doug Lambert, Executive Couch who also couched the HOD’s on how to introduce couching culture into Dubal.  His advices were very beneficial to me also which I definitely will apply in my studies and future working life.

The other day, I was entitled to attend a meeting on the introduction of the Accelerated Celebration Event. Ms. Claire was talking about the event in detail and allocated few tasks to everyone attending the meeting. I am supposed to work on preparing quiz questions which I have already done. Other than that, I will have the responsibility of preparing the presentation format and teams’ split.

On Thursday, we started receiving End-of-year performance reviews from employees and I was entering the information we got into the system. After the entry they go over it again and check if there is any mistake made. The final stage is when bonuses are being paid according to the level of performance for each employee.  

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fourth Week at Dubal Dubai Aluminium Company

This week was a bit light comparing to the other weeks. I didn't have much work given to me despite my request. I was asked to organize files of scholarship applicants and prepare files of the executives for the interview panel.

The most exciting thing happened during this week was when I attended Management Development Program. This program is targeting department managers and I felt very special when the Training and development department allowed me to attend the program.  This program is held with the corporation of Hey Group. The aim of this program is to adjust the existing management practice and styles, in the context of the competencies and job demands, to bring about the desire improvement in the organization’s climate. To do that, participants receive feedback on all four of the factors that lead to organizational performance. In addition, participants gain the ability to use the Four-Cycle Model ( Four Key Factors Affecting Organizational Performance) as a diagnostic tool for looking at any organization.  

Attending this training session gave me an insight of how managers work to enhance the workplace and try to get the best of their employees on surface which will lead to an organizational growth.